Casa Loma

Casa Loma is a mansion located on Davenport Hill in Toronto, Canada. This residence belonged to Sir Henry Pellatt from 1914 to 1923. In 1923, he was forced to abandon his residence for financial reasons. In 1925, the architect William Sparling offered to convert the house into a luxury hotel. In the same year, he was granted a long-term loan to build it, but the idea was definitely resigned in 1929 during the economic crisis. In 1933, the property was taken over by the City of Toronto for unpaid taxes. From then on, many projects were proposed to give the building a new vocation. The City of Toronto even considered demolishing the house. In 1937, the Kiwanis Club of West Toronto signed a lease with the City of Toronto to house the residence and converted it into a tourist attraction, opening it to the general public. In 2011, the Casa Loma Corporation took over from the Kiwanis Club of West Toronto and managed the Casa Loma residence for a time until a lease was signed with the Liberty Entertainment Group in October 2013, which now manages the former Henry Pellatt estate.

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