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SupportDriversCancellation policies

What are the subscription cancellation policies?

Subscription cancellations are possible under the following conditions:

Date of subscription cancellation
Cancellation fees
10 minutes after making the subscription
No fees
More than 15 days before the renewal date of the subscription for the next month
No fees
Between 15 and 5 days before the renewal date of the subscription for the next month
20% of the cost of the next month
Less than 5 days before the renewal date of the subscription for the next month
50% of the cost of the next month
   Current month
   100% of the current month's cost

Please note that canceling a subscription is not possible through the clicknpark application.

If you wish to cancel your subscription, please contact customer service. Our team will handle the cancellation for you in accordance with our subscription cancellation policies as quickly as possible.

Last edited on 30-07-2024

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